When she was declared the recipient of jazz talent award last year, she was characterized as an uncompromising explorer, a fighter and a stayer who was not afraid to show off all her musical sides. Since receiving the award last year, she has worked on songs and compositions, and in February she took a number of distinguished musicians to the studio and recorded what will be her first album with a band that only plays her music .�
The compositions have a strong melodic anchor with hypnotic rhythms and grooves, while the textual focus is on protest - and love. Sandtorv even says she skips genres within modern jazz, primal blues and indie, and that the music is inspired and influenced by musicians and projects like Max Roach Freedom Suite - project, with Abby Lincoln, Alice Coltrane and John Coltrane. Predicting that Natalie will be significant in the development of Norwegian improvisational music, we look very forward to the award winners concert! - I've gathered a band consisting of musicians I see as innovative and powerful voices on the European jazz scene, and who take my compositions to new heights , says Natalie about the band. The Prizewinner concert will be as it has gradually become tradition, held in Storyville at Plassen at 16:00 on opening day. ��
Natalie Sandtorv vocals (NO)
Lars Greve - saxophone (DK)
Mathias Holm - synths (DK)
Liz Kosack - synths (US)
Dan Peter Sundland - bass (NO)
Ole Mofjell - drums, percussion (NO)
Mads Fixed Liang Nilsen - projection (NO)