Mopti & Bendik Baksaas
Friday 18. July
KL 16:00
Teatret Vårt (PLASSEN)
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Fresh, fast, fun and funky with extended Jazzintro-winner

In 2012 Mopti visited Moldejazz, then as one of the finalists of Jazzintro 2012. Long story short - they won, and now they return to Molde with brand new material. Joining them is DJ Bendik Baksaas, now fully integrated as a creative element in the band. The cooperation has taken place behind the scenes for about a year now, and spawned out of Baksaas using Mopti's debut album Logic as a base for creating remixes and new material. Mopti took a liking to what they hear, and now the cooperation is ready to see the light of day.

- To the band says that they look forward to Moldejazz being their festival premiere.
- We promise new material and inspiration. No-one, not even we, know what the result will sound like before we're on stage, but it will be free, calculated, funky and dangerous!

Mopti is Kristoffer Eikrem on trumpet, Harald Lassen on saxophone, David Aleksander Sjølie on guitar, Christian Meaas Svendsen on bass, Andreas Wildhagen on drums, and Bendik Baksass as DJ.