Jarle Bernhoft
Wednesday 16. July
KL 17:00
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Bernhofts one-man-band rolls on

Some might remember him as the front-man of turbo-rock band Span early in the 2000's. More will have noticed him going solo in favor of blues and soul hardly a decade later. Helped by live sampling, Bernhoft can construct a whole orchestra. In simple words he lays down small, self-repeating takes of himself, layer upon layer, until they make up a whole song. A damned groovy and good song. A song you can, and yes we turn to cliches, both dance and cry to.

Fast-fingered blues, funky riffs and soulful vocals, as well as the distinctive sampling of himself. The recipe has aroused enthusiasm also outside of Norway.

Among other things he been seen gotten several million times on YouTube, as well as now and again on american talkshows such as The Ellen DeGeneres Show and Conan.

In 2012, when he played for a packed crowd at the Roskilde festival, VG's Svein Østbø wrote the following, ecstatic words: "If anyone should be in doubt - Jarle Bernhofts status as one of this countries best solo artists is well earned, and then some. He proved that, to its full extent, at Roskilde last night."

About Bernhoft's second, and to this day latest, solo-album, Solidarity Breaks (2011), the Danish edition of the music-magazine Gaffa wrote: "(...) and now Mr. Bernhoft returns, stronger than ever. A world-class musical talent. No less."

On Friday, February 14th, we got the first taste of Bernhoft's next album, Islander, due for release on April 28th. A pretty good indication of what we can expect at Romsdalsmuseet. Check out Come Around. A soulful little firework that might as well have been released back in 1974 as now in 2014.