
Rare concerts with Lars Vaular / Kjetil Møster and Charles Lloyd / Jason Moran during Moldejazz

Moldejazz can introduce several rare concert-experiences during this years festival. Rap-favourite Lars Vaular and impro-saxophonist Kjetil Møster will perform their mix of electronica-beats and jazz. Saxophone legend Charles Lloyd and this years Artist in Residence Jason Moran will host their only duo-concert in Europe this year. Jason Moran also starts a brand new collaboration with Norwegian electronica-guru Jan Bang, the power-trio Bushman's Revenge celebrate their 10-year anniversary with a large club concert and unique guitarist Stian Westerhus premieres his trio Pale Horses.

Last updated: 04.22.2013
Lars Vaular og Kjetil Møster
They are both from Bergen. They are both lauded as unique in their genre. They both meet on the same stage in Molde during this years jazzfestival.

Lars Vaular is a Hip Hop artist that we've gotten familiar with over the past few years, and through his faithfulness to rapping in bergensk (a Norwegian dialect) he has been a part of defining Norwegian rap as something credible. In 2009 he was nominated for a Spellemann-award in the hip-hop category for the album "D' e glede". In 2010 and 2011 he received a Spellemann-ward in the same category for albums "Helot om natten, helt om dagen" and "Du betyr meg". Vaular also received Dialektprisen til Norsk Målungdom in 2010 for his use of dialect in his music.
Kjetil Møster is someone we've become aqquainted with over several earlier visits to Molde. The energic saxophone-player has received several prestigious awards around the world, including among others "International Jazz-talent of the Year" in 2006. He has performed as a soloist as well as with numerous bands and ensembles, and is connected to Trondheim Jazzorkester. He was also a central part of the sucess-story Datarock. Kjetil recently released his first album with the band Møster! Reviews in Norway as well as abroad are overwhelming!

Lars Vaular, Kjetil Møster and a five-man band are forming a unique cooperative ensemble that will hold three concerts in Norway, and Moldejazz is proud to be one of them. This will be a mix of Vaulars rap and electronica-beats and Møsters outstanding improvisational abilities. Vaular and Møster equals vitality and innovation, a genre-defying concert that will captivate its audience at Plassen - Teatersalen on Thursday 18th of July.

Charles Lloyd og Jason Moran
Saxofonlegenden Charle Lloyd har samarbeidet med årets Artist In Residence på Moldejazz Jason Moran i mange år. Duosamarbeidet vakte imidlertid ekstra oppmerksomhet etter utgivelsen av det kritikerroste ECM-albumet "Hagar's Song" fra 2012. Jazz Special skrev bl a: "Kjennetegn for noen av de største jazzmusikerne er at de blir betegnet som historiefortellere.  Med dette menes en evne til å komponere stringente musikalske forløp, som omfatter følelsesmessig dybde, samt samle erfaring og visdom på en måte som gir musikken en merbetydning som ikke bare handler om tone og teknikk, men om selve den menneskelige tilværelse på godt og vondt.»

Charles Lloyd har alltid vært flink til å samle toneangivende musikere rundt seg. En av de viktigste er Jason Moran, og på "Hagar's Song" kommer hans encyklopediske kjennskap til pianojazzen ham til gode når han skal variere sitt akkompagnement. Han kan svømme dypt i bluesmusikk og han kan angripe klaveret med avantgardistisk oppfinnsomhet.

Konserten på Plassen -teatersalen torsdag 18. juli kl 14.00 er den eneste i Europa i 2013 så de som har tenkt å få med seg denne unike opplevelsen bør ikke vente med å kjøpe billetter.

Charles Lloyd - saxofon, Jason Moran -piano.

Jason Moran og Jan Bang
When Jason Moran agreed to appear as Artist in Residence he came on-board with a strong wish to work with some Norwegian musicians. High on his wish-list was musician and "electronica guru" Jan Bang. Jan immediately accepted - YES!, when asked to collaborate with Jason.

Jason Moran has previously worked quite a bit with sampling as well as mixing pre-recorded music and sounds from different sources with live music, and now he gets to meet and work with one of our very best electronica musicians whom has specialized in live-sampling and remixing.
Jan Bang was, for many years, a prominent record producer before concetrating on his own music and collaborating with musicians from various genres, as well as his own festival "Punkt".
In Norway he is best known for his close cooperation with musicians such as Nils Petter Molvær, Arve Henrisken and Sidsel Endresen. Internationally he has made his mark with Dhafer Youssef, Jon Hassel and, last but not least, David Sylvian.
This is going to be a truly special meeting at Plassen - Teatersalen on Friday 19th of July 20:00 between two playful and exploring masters, each with their own tradition and both with a lot in common.

Jason Moran - Piano and more
Jan Bang - Assorted electronics

Bushman's Revenge
Bushman's Revenge unashamedly gather inspiration as much from hard rock as they do from jazz. Reviewers often find it necessary to mention several "greats" from a wide span of legendary artists and bands to describe the sound of Revenge.
However, the reason that writers find this necessary may as well be contributed to Bushman's Revenge having discovered their own style and, first and foremost, sound like Bushman's Revenge! Make no mistake, these guys are not boring. They are far too skilled composers and musicians to fall into that trap. Not to mention the enormous amount of energy they infuse into their music.
Before they invite the audience to partake in their 10-year anniversary on stage during Moldejazz they will release their sixth album on April 20th; "Electric Komle - Live!" on vinyl, released by Rune Grammofon. The LP is recorded during a concert held at Storyville Jazz Club in Molde, May 2012. 

Rune Neergård - Bass
Even Hetle Hermansen - Guitar
Gard Nilssen -Drums
+ "guest apperances"

Plassen - Teatersalen, Wednesday 17/7 24:00

Stian Westerhus & Pale Horses
Stian Westerhus has over the past few years brought us much enjoyment with a long streak of exiciting musical settings. His particular innovative techniques and sound make him a popular collaborist for other musicians. He has, to mention a few, played in Puma, with Trondheim Jazzorkester, in Nils Petter Molvær Trio and in duo with Sissel Endresen (winner of Spellemannprisen 2012). Now he makes his way to Molde to introduce his brand new trio.
In Stian Westerhus & Pale Horses he is joined by two equally innovative jazzmusicians: Øystein Moen (Puma) and Erland Dahlen (Molvær). The trio create a genredefying new music, inspired by everything from Ligeti to Hendrix. This is a trio that will be spoken about for a long time
Stian Westerhus har i de senere årene gledet oss med en lang rekke spennende musikalske settinger. Hans spesielle nyskapende teknikker og sound gjør ham til en populær samarbeidspartner for andre musikere. Han har, for å nevne noen få, spilt i Puma, med Trondheim Jazz Orkester, i Nils Petter Molvær Trio og i duo med Sidsel Endresen (Spellemannprisen 2012). Nå kommer han til Molde og presenterer sin splitter nye trio. Parts of the concert is commissioned work made for Sjøbygda Kunstnarhus.

Stian Westerhus - Guitar / Vocals
Øystein Moen - Keyboard
Erland Dahlen - Drums

Plassen - Teatersalen, Friday 19/7 24:00

Tickets for sale now through Posten, Billettservice tel 815 33 133, www.billettservice.no and www.moldejazz.no

For more information please contact: Festival Director Jan Ole Otnæs - tlf 91 88 53 93 or Market- and Sponsordirector Hans-Olav Solli - tel 94 82 63 05.