
Fv: Kulturskolel�rer Arne Torvik, kulturskoleelev Tuva Halse, Rune Humlung (Istad Kraft), Kolbj�rn Heggdal (Sparebanken M�re), Kari Buvik (Gjensidige Nordm�re og Romsdal), Bernard Riksfjord (Gassror IKS), Ingvild Aas (Rektor Molde Kulturskole) og festivalsjef Hans-Olav Solli.

New Steinway grand in the house!

Published: 05.30.2017
Updated: 05.30.2017 09:58

Molde Jazz has a new Steinway grand! The grand piano was hand-picked by pianist Tord Gustavsen, who travelled to Steinway factory in Hamburg and selected the best piano for us. 

It was great fun to today as we showed off our brand new grand piano. 

The piano will be placed on Molde kulturskole except during the festival, so that more people can have the opportunity to use the new wonder.�

We look forward to offering our artists a grand piano second to none, and would like to thank for the support of those who have made this possible:�Gassror IKS, Sparebanken M�re, Gjensidige Nordm�re og Romsdal og Istad Kraft.

Tord Gustavsen pr�vespilte flere flygel p� Steinway-fabrikken i Hamburg f�r han bestemte seg for hvilket flygel vi skulle kj�pe.     Foto: Gisle Daus
