Sweet Honey In The Rock
Cult band with star status.
When the Grammy-nominated band visited Moldejazz in 1991, they were still relatively unknown. Since then, the band has become very successful, performing sold-out concerts at Carnegie Hall and the Kennedy Center – and in July, they will once more play Molde Domkirke during Moldejazz.

The band Sweet Honey in the Rock was established in 1973 and is an a capella gospel/spirituals group with a little something extra – actually with a lot extra! Not just musically, in the way songs from the black church tradition are complemented by reggae, African chants and blues – but also textually, through the band's spiritual message of world justice.  The band's leitmotif is: We salute the women of the world and their fight for freedom and equality. More than 20 years have passed since the band last inspired the Moldejazz audience, so this is a band you have to see now, as the sought-after Sweet Honey in the Rock will be a rare occurrence on European stages even in the future.


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